Best Kitesurfing Tricks: Beginner to Advanced

Kitesurfing is an exhilarating and thrilling sport, but it can also be intimidating for beginners. If you have already become comfortable with the basics of kiteboarding, like launching your kite and riding upwind, then you may be ready to take on some new tricks.
To help get you started, I’ve compiled my favorite tricks that are relatively easy to learn and perform for any level rider. With just a bit of practice and dedication, these moves will look great in no time! So let’s dive into the best kitesurfing tricks!
What are the Best Kitesurfing Tricks for Beginners?
Are you a beginner kitesurfer looking to take your skills to the next level?
If so, keep reading! Here I will discuss some of the best tricks and techniques that can help turn novice kitesurfers into experts. Whether it’s learning how to launch your board in different conditions or mastering new flips and jumps, these tips will help make your kite sessions more enjoyable and rewarding. So read on for my top picks for beginner kitesurfing tricks that are sure to get you hooked on this thrilling sport!
Waterstarting with a Kiteloop
Waterstarting with a kiteloop is one of the most popular kitesurfing tricks and it’s great for those just starting.
To do this trick successfully, you need to understand how the wind works in relation to your kite.
First, you’ll want to position your kite at 45 degrees above the water and make sure that there is enough wind passing through it. Once you feel comfortable with your kite placement, start walking towards the edge of the beach or body of water that you’re in until your board is about waist-deep in the water. Now take hold of both lines which will pull up on your bar and create tension throughout them – this helps keep control over direction when performing jumps later on.
Next, lean back slightly while pulling down on both lines as far as they can go – this should cause your kite to lift off from its resting spot but remain steady against any gusts of wind coming by.
If everything goes according to plan then after a few seconds, you should have lifted off into a jump! As always practice makes perfect so don’t be afraid to try again if things don’t go right first time around – mastering this trick takes a bit of patience but once accomplished it’s an amazing feeling!
Riding Toeside
Riding Toeside is a great trick for beginner kitesurfers to learn.
Before attempting this trick, it’s important to understand the basics of kitesurfing, including how to launch and land a kite safely as well as basic riding techniques.
Here are the steps for mastering a toeside trick:
Start by getting comfortable riding heelside on your left side. Make sure you have enough speed and power before attempting to switch sides.
Once you feel comfortable, lightly lean back while pulling down on the bar towards your right side (your toes). This will help you move onto your right foot/toe-side edge while engaging both hands equally on each side of the bar.
When transitioning from heelside to toeside keep your board flat so that it can slide across the water smoothly when switching edges – avoid any sudden movements or jerks!
Keep an eye out for the position of other riders in case they cross paths with yours during this shift in direction – always make sure you’re aware of those around you when trying new tricks!
Finally, practice balancing once shifted over onto the toe-side by keeping your arms parallel with each other along with maintaining control over body weight distribution throughout this process – this will be key in helping maintain stability until completely balanced at which point you can start popping off jumps, or continuing downwind depending upon preference
Backroll Trick
The backroll trick is a great way to get some air and show off your skills. Before trying this trick, be sure you have the basics down for safety reasons.
To perform a backroll kitesurfing trick, start by edging into the wind with your board flat on the water and both hands firmly gripping the bar.
As you accelerate upwind, pull hard on one side of the bar as you drive it down toward the water while pushing against it with your front foot. This will cause an upward lift that will allow you to become airborne. Keep pulling and push forward until your kite reaches its zenith then begin to edge away from where you started as soon as possible.
When done correctly, this should cause a smooth rotation in which your body is facing downward when entering back into the water safely completing this trick!
The front roll kitesurfing trick is one of the most basic and popular tricks that beginners should master. It involves a forward rotation of your body while holding onto the bar, with your board still in contact with the water.
To perform this trick step by step, start by riding upwind for a few seconds to gain speed and then shift your weight towards the back edge of your board as you approach an oncoming wave or jump.
When you feel yourself launching into the air, keep your arms straight and pull down on both sides of the control bar simultaneously to initiate a rotating motion around its vertical axis.
As you rotate through 180 degrees, look over either shoulder before landing safely back onto the water’s surface with both feet firmly planted on top of your board. Practice this move until it feels comfortable and soon enough you will be able to nail it without any hesitation!
Handslide Trick
The Handslide trick is a great one for kitesurfers of all levels, from beginners on up.
To do it properly, start by riding your board with the kite in a neutral position at 12 o’clock.
Then, push the bar and move the kite to 11 o’clock while quickly moving your feet to the back of the board. Once you feel yourself gliding across the water, keep pushing down on the bar until you reach 9 or 10 o’clock, and then slowly pull back up as you pop off your board into mid-air.
As soon as you are airborne, bring both hands onto either side of your head in an “X” formation to help balance out and spot where you want to land before bringing both arms forward again just prior to touching down onto your deck once more.
The double backroll trick is an exciting and relatively easy maneuver that beginners can learn to perform with some practice. To begin, you’ll need a kitesurfing board and a kite that is suitable for your level of expertise.
Start by getting your kite into the air at about 45 degrees from the water’s surface. Once the kite has gained enough power, start carving upwind in order to generate speed on your board.
When you feel ready, edge off hard towards the direction of travel while keeping your body low and centered over the board; this will help with balance as well as give you more leverage when pulling off tricks like a double backroll.
As soon as you are at full speed, flick your hips and pull up on both handles of the bar simultaneously to lift yourself into a rotation position above the water’s surface with both legs extended outwards away from each other – this is where you will complete two full rotations before landing in either toeside or heelside depending on which way you were rotating during takeoff!
With consistent practice, even beginner-level kiters can master this fun trick!
Jibe Turn
The jibe trick is a great way for beginner kitesurfers to get comfortable with the basics of the sport. It requires maximum control and looks impressive when pulled off well. To execute this maneuver, here are three steps you need to follow:
Start by heading downwind, while steering your kite higher in the sky. This will give you more speed and power, allowing you to carve onto your toeside edge more smoothly.
Once on your toeside edge, switch your feet so that they both point in the same direction (toward the nose). This can be done by shifting all of your weight onto one foot before quickly switching it over to the other foot. Make sure to keep an eye on where you’re going!
Lean back as much as possible while simultaneously lowering the kite at a steady rate until it reaches its lowest point in relation to wind velocity (this part takes practice!).
Then repeat these steps again until you gain enough momentum and confidence with each attempt. With patience and dedication – anyone can master this trick!
Backroll Kiteloop
The backroll kiteloop is a great trick for kitesurfers to master as it can look very impressive and be a lot of fun. If you have already mastered the basics of a backroll then you are ready to start learning this trick. Here are three steps that will help guide you on your way:
Start by launching off the water in your usual backroll position, with the bar close to your body and the kite at 12 o’clock.
As soon as you feel yourself lift off from the water, pull hard on both steering lines so that the kite starts looping forward towards 11 o’clock (or 1 o’clock if riding regularly). Keep pulling until you feel yourself lift even higher into the air!
When you reach peak height, push down hard onto your board with both feet so that it rotates around its axis – i.e., perform a 360-degree spin – before landing in an upright position again!
S Bend
The S Bend is a great trick for those transitioning from beginners to intermediate surfers. Not only does it test your balance and control, but also looks very stylish when performed correctly.
To do the S Bend you will need to follow three steps:
Start by keeping the kite low as you gain momentum, pushing your feet firmly against the board and driving with your back foot until you jump off the water.
Once airborne, extend your arms and turn your upper body while gripping tightly with both hands – at this stage make sure to keep your legs extended so that they rotate along with your lower body too.
As you prepare for landing, remember to bend your knees slightly in order to cushion any impact or shock that might occur during contact with the water surface again – this helps protect joints from injury due to the sudden force of impact after a big jump!
With practice and dedication, mastering this trick should become easy before long!
Best Kitesurfing Tricks for Advanced Riders
For experienced kitesurfers, mastering the best tricks is what makes the sport so much fun. From exhilarating jumps to intense spins and flips, advanced riders can push their skills to new heights with some of these challenging yet rewarding tricks.
With a little practice and patience, any kitesurfer can learn how to perform even the most complex moves.
I’ll look at each trick in detail – from preparation and execution to common mistakes – as well as provide tips on how you can perfect them yourself!
So if you’re ready for an exciting ride, let’s get started!
High Jump Crail to Tail Grab
The High Jump Crail to Tail Grab is one of the most impressive tricks in kitesurfing. It involves launching off a wave, reaching high into the air, and executing a 180-degree turn while grabbing your board’s tail before landing back on the water.
To master the High Jump Crail to Tail Grab, you’ll need some practice and these steps.
Start by getting enough speed; for this trick, your kite should be at 11 or 1 o’clock in the wind window.
Aggressively steer the kite back towards 12 o’clock to gain more power from the lift of the kite.
Make an impulse on the bar as you return it to 12 o’clock – this will cause a powerful pop off of your board when taken off properly.
Once popped off, release one hand from the bar and take your grab – make sure to bend your leg closest to which you are grabbing!
When starting to come down again, release your grab and return both hands onto the bar for smooth landing control over your board without rotating too much out of control after releasing mid-air tricks such as these ones! Slightly straighten up your legs while pointing the nose of the board downwind so that you can absorb impact during the landing phase easily!
One Foot Transition
The One Foot Transition kitesurfing trick is a great way for intermediate and advanced riders to practice their skills. It involves taking off from the water with just one foot on your board, transitioning into the air, and then landing back down onto both feet on your board.
This trick is a complex maneuver that requires precise timing but can add something special to any rider’s repertoire of tricks.
To do this trick correctly, make sure you have good control over the power of your kite before attempting it.
Start by pointing the nose of your board away from the wind while holding tension in both hands on the bar at all times.
Once you’re ready, lift up one foot off the board as you begin to edge in with pressure against the bar using only one hand. As soon as you feel enough power build up in your kite pull hard against it with both hands while keeping steady pressure on those same handles until full lift-off occurs and then transition into an air position while still only having one foot attached to your board.
Finally, land back down onto two feet firmly planted onto each side of your board again before returning to the normal riding position. With dedication and patience, this wonderful trick will soon be part of yours!
Unhooked Tantrum
The Unhooked Tantrum is an advanced kitesurfing trick that requires both skill and confidence. This trick involves jumping off the board, rotating in the air, and then re-engaging with the board while still hooked into the kite.
Learning this trick takes time, as it requires mastering timing and technique to properly execute it. However, once mastered it can be a thrilling experience!
To perform an Unhooked Tantrum, start by riding upwind at a moderate speed with your kite between 11 o’clock and 1 o’clock. Once you have reached your desired speed, unhook from your harness loop and begin to rotate around your axis while still attached to the bar. Be sure to keep tension on the bar throughout this process so that you don’t lose control of your kite or over-rotate during landing.
After rotation is complete, land back on your board using edge control techniques such as toeside pressure for better grip. Finally, engage back into your harness loop as soon as possible after landing for safety reasons before continuing with regular riding!
Double Back Roll
The Double Back Roll is a more advanced kitesurfing trick than the standard Back Roll. This trick involves jumping off the board, rotating 360 degrees in the air twice while still hooked into the kite, and then re-engaging with the board. Gaining control of timing and technique can be challenging before you master this trick but once you do it can be an exhilarating experience!
To perform a Double Back Roll start by riding upwind at moderate speed with your kite between 11 o’clock and 1 o’clock. Then unhook from your harness loop while keeping tension on the bar to remain in control of your kite during rotation. When ready jump off the board, rotate around two times while still attached to the bar.
After completing two rotations, land back on your board using toeside pressure for better grip when landing on edge control techniques for added stability. Finally, engage back into your harness loop as soon as possible after landing for safety reasons before continuing with regular riding!
How to Learn New Kitesurfing Tricks

Learning new kitesurfing tricks requires dedication and practice. It is important to spend time practicing each trick until you feel comfortable attempting it on the water. Additionally, it is important to understand how to read wind conditions to execute each trick safely.
The best way to learn new kitesurfing tricks is by watching tutorials online or attending a kitesurfing lesson with an experienced instructor. It is also important to practice with friends or in a controlled environment to hone your skills before trying any trick on the water.
In conclusion, this post has provided an overview of the best kitesurfing tricks for all levels of riders. With practice and patience, anyone can learn these tricks and build up their confidence on the water. This post provides useful information about which tricks are best for riders as well as tips to make learning easier. For those who have read this post, I hope it will give you the motivation to get out there and start your own kitesurfing journey!